Sunday, July 15, 2012

Island Rock - Plainview, NY

I'm in Long Island for a couple of weeks, and I didn't want to miss out on any climbing, so I looked into a Meetup here and found one that meets on Wednesday nights.  It's called Island Rock, and although I had to pay $25 for my first climb there, it was worth it.  The routes are harder than back home.  A 5.8 is easily a 5.9 at TRC.  I met a dude, Ken, who's pretty good and we may climb today, later on.

I've been trying to stay fit while traveling.  It's not easy considering the nature of my work and that coworkers just want to sit around and drink and eat.  I was able to get in a slow bike ride yesterday and a treadmill run at 8mph (3 miles), which is the fastest I've ever run a 3 miler.  I ran a 6 miler a few days ago at 7mph, which, for me, is fast.  This is on a treadmill, though, in a nice air conditioned room (temperature around 70 degrees).  There's no way I can run that fast on the trail back home.  I do miss that running.  I'm thinking about running outside today, but it's already 78 degrees, and I see no relief in sight.  I could just go run on the beach.  That would be fun.  And then after sweating, I could just jump in the water.  Yeah.  Maybe I'll do that.  Thank the lord I don't get bored running, because I'd be a mess up here.  It's really hard to workout on this business travel stuff.

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